Turbulence Meaning In Hindi

Turbulence Meaning In Hindi/Turbulence Ka Matlab Kya Hota Hai?

Turbulence Meaning In Hindi/Turbulence Ka Matlab Kya Hota Hai?

दोस्तों आज के इस article हमलोग Turbulence meaning in Hindi के बारे में जानेंगे। आज के इस आर्टिकल Turbulence के कुछ बहुत ही important topics को cover करेंगे। जैसे:-Turbulence meaning in Hindi, Turbulence Meaning In English,Turbulence Pronunciation, Turbulence kya hota hai?, Etymology of Turbulence, Turbulence वर्ड का मतलब क्या होता है ?, Similar Words of Turbulence ,Synonyms And Antonyms for Turbulence or Turbulence Meaning In Hindi with Example English and Hindi.

Pronunciation Turbulence : – ˈtərbyələns

Turbulence Meaning In Hindi

Turbulence Word एक noun हैं, जिसका use आप लोग बहुत बार किए होंगे. Turbulence का हिंदी अर्थ ” अशांति या विक्षोम ” इसका हिंदी अर्थ होता हैं. निम्न में कुछ और भी हिंदी अर्थ दिए गए हैं उससे भी जरूर देखें।

Turbulence Meaning In Hindi


  • अशांति
  • उग्रता
  • दंगा
  • हंगामा

Etymology of Turbulence

Turbulence शब्द की उत्पत्ति लैटिन शब्द ” टर्बो “( “turbo,” )से हुआ है जिसका हिंदी अर्थ बवंडर यहां भंवर (“whirlwind” or “whirling.”) यह बाद में लैटिन शब्द “टर्बुलेंटिया” (“turbulentia,”) में विकसित हुआ समय के साथ इसका अर्थ अंग्रेजी भाषा में अराजकता और अव्यवस्थित गति या प्रवाह (chaotic and disordered motion or flow) हो गया.

Etymology of Turbulence

The word “turbulence” has its roots in the Latin word “turbo” which means “whirlwind ” or “whirling” it later evolved into the Latin word “turbulence” which means “agitation” or “turmoil”. Over time, it entered the English language in the late 16th century with its current meaning referring to chaotic and disordered motion or flow.

Synonyms And Antonyms for Turbulence

  • Chaos
  • Disorder
  • Commotion
  • Turmoil
  • Upheaval
  • Disturbance
  • Agitation
  • Confusion
  • Tumult
  • Unrest
  • Calm
  • serenity
  • Tranquillity
  • peace
  • Stability
  • Harmony
  • Order
  • Stillness
  • Quite
  • Peacefulness

Similar Words of Turbulence

Disorder: – Disorder Refers to a state of confusion or lack of order, much like turbulence, but it’s a broader term that can encompass various chaotic situations.
Chaos:-Chaos implies complete Confusion and unpredictability, often as a synonym for extreme turbulence.
Commotion:-This word describes or noisy and tumultuous disturbance, often caused by a sudden event or the movement of a large group of people.
Tumult:-Tumult is a state of loud, confused, and disorderly commotion or agitation, similar to turbulence in its chaotic nature.
Agitation:-Agitation refers to a state of restlessness or disturbance, often associated with emotional upheaval or turbulent conditions.
Unrest:-Unrest Signifies a state of Dicontent , disturbance , or turmoil, often found in social or political contexts.
Fermentation:-Fermentation can describe a state of agitation or turmoil, especially in a metaphorical sense,as intellectual or emotional fermentation.
Mayhem:-Mayhem suggests a state of violent or chaotic disorder, often resulting from a sudden, destructive event.
Pandemonium:-Pandemonium describes a wild and noisy uproar or chaos, often used to depict a scene of extreme turbulence.
Havoc:Havoc denotes widespread and chaotic destruction or devastation, often occurring in turbulent situations or conflicts.

Turbulence Meaning In Hindi with Example English and Hindi

1आपके घर में अशांति के माहौल क्यों है.Why is there an atmosphere of turbulence in your house?
2.फ्लाइट में अशांति का माहौल बन गया है.An atmosphere of turbulence has arisen in the flight.
3.आप लोग यहां अशांति मत फैलाइए.You guys don’t create trouble here.
4.आज दफ्तर में पूरा अशांति का माहौल था.Today there was an atmosphere of complete turbulence in the office.
5.आप अशांति क्यों फैला रहे हैं.An atmosphere of turbulence has arisen in the flight.
6.आप अशांति की बात कर रहे हैं.You are talking about turbulence.
7.आप लोग जहां भी रहते हैं वहां अशांति ही पनपती है।Wherever you people live, only turbulence flourishes.
8.आज तो स्कूल में अशांति का माहौल बन गया था.Today there was an atmosphere of turbulence in the school.
9.दुकान में अफरा-तफरी का माहौल हो गया.There was an atmosphere of turbulence in the shop.
10.पूजा के स्थल पर कौन अशांति फैलता है.Who creates disturbance at the place of worship?

Turbulence Meaning In Hindi

Turbulence Meaning In Hindi

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