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Commotion Meaning In Hindi

Commotion Meaning In Hindi/ Commotion Ka Matlab Kya Hota Hai?

Commotion Meaning In Hindi/ Commotion Ka Matlab Kya Hota Hai?

दोस्तों आज के इस article हमलोग Commotion meaning in Hindi के बारे में जानेंगे। आज के इस आर्टिकल Commotion के कुछ बहुत ही important topics को cover करेंगे। जैसे:-Commotion meaning in Hindi, Commotion Meaning In English, Commotion Pronunciation, Commotion kya hota hai?, Etymology of Commotion, Commotion वर्ड का मतलब क्या होता है ?, Similar Words of Commotion ,Synonyms And Antonyms for Commotion or Commotion Meaning In Hindi with Example English and Hindi.

Commotion Pronunciation

Pronunciation – kəˈmōSH(ə)n

Commotion Meaning In Hindi

Commotion Word एक noun हैं, जिसका use आप लोग बहुत बार किए होंगे. Commotion का हिंदी अर्थ ” तहलका, हलचल या हंगामा ” इसका हिंदी अर्थ होता हैं. निम्न में कुछ और भी हिंदी अर्थ दिए गए हैं उससे भी जरूर देखें.

Commotion Meaning In Hindi

  • हंगामा
  • हलचल
  • क्षोभ
  • खलबली
  • तहलका
  • विद्रोह
  • शोर-ग़ुल
  • व्याकुलता
  • बेचैनी
  • संक्षोभ
  • तूफान
  • हो हल्ला

Commotion Meaning In English

  • ” Commotion” refers to a noisy or tumultuous disturbance or uproar, often characterized by a lot people or object in motion, creating a chaotic or disruptive situation.

Etymology of Commotion

Commotion Word की उत्पत्ति मध्य अंग्रेजी और पुरानी फ्रेंच में हुए हैं. अंततः यह पुराने फ्रांसीसी शब्द “comocion,” से आया है, जो लैटिन शब्द “commotio” (commoveo), से लिया गया है, जहां “com” का अर्थ “एक साथ” (“together”) और “motion” का अर्थ ” गति या “आंदोलन” ( “motion” or “movement.”) है। समय के साथ यह शब्द अंग्रेजी में शोर या विघटनकरी गड़बड़ी को संदर्भित करने के लिए विकसित हुआ, जैसे कि हम आज इसका उपयोग करते हैं.

Etymology of Commotion In English

The word “Commotion” has its origins in middle English and old French. It ultimately comes from the old French word “comocion,” which derived from the Latin word” Commotio” (commoveo), where “com” means “together” and “motio” means ” motion” or “movement.” Over time, the word evolved in English to refer to a noisy or disruptive disturbance,as we use it today.

Synonyms And Antonyms for Commotion

Synonyms (Word with similar meanings:)
  • Disturbance
  • Turmoil
  • Uproar
  • Chaos
  • Hubbub
  • Clamor
  • Pandemonium
  • Tumult
  • Bedlam
Antonyms (Words with opposite meanings):
  • Calm
  • Silence
  • Tranquility
  • Serenity
  • Peace
  • stillness
  • Quiet
  • Harmony
  • Order
  • Composure
Similar Words of Commotion
Tumult:-Tumult is a state of loud, confused, and disorderly commotion or agitation, similar to turbulence in its chaotic nature.
Uproar:-Uproar describes a loud and tumultuous noise, often associated with o chaotic or disorderly situation.
Hullabaloo:- Hullabaloo is an informal term for noisy tumultuous situation, typically accompanied by shouting or excitement.
Pandemonium:- Pandemonium describes a state of extreme chaos and disorder, where everything is uproar and confusion.
Chaos:-Chaos denotes a state of complete disorder and confusion, often accompanied by lack of organization and control.
Turmoil:- Turmoil signifies a state of great disturbance and agitation, usually associated with a lack of tranquility and order.
clamor:- Clamor is a loud and Continuous noise created by shouting or other disruptive sounds, often associated demands or protests.
Bedlam:- Bedlam is a word that originally referred to a mental hospital but has come to symbolize a place or situation of extreme confusion, chaos, or uproar.
Ruckus:- A ruckus is a noisy and tumultuous disturbance, often involving a lot of people engaged in loud or disorderly behaviour.
Disruption:- Disruption is a more general term that encompasses disturbances and interruptions to the normal flow or order or things, which can lead to commotion.

Commotion Meaning In Hindi with Example English and Hindi

1.सड़क पर हंगामा ने सबकी ध्यान अपनी तरफ खींच लिया.The commotion on the road attracted everyone’s attention.
2.बच्चे खेल के मैदान में कोलाहल मचा रखे हैं.Children are commotion in the playground.
3.आप लोग हंगामा क्यों मचा रहे हैं.Why are you people creating commotion.
4.आपके हंगामा करने से कोई फायदा नहीं है.There is no benefit in your creating commotion.
5.आपलोग जब खेलते हैं तब बहुत कोलाहल मचाते हैं.You guys make a lot of commotion when you play.
6.वे लोग हंगामा कर रहे थे.They were creating commotion.
7.आप लोगों को क्लास में हंगामा नहीं मचाना चाहिए था.You guys should not have created a Commotion in the class.
8.आखिर हंगामा मचाने से क्या फायदा है.After all, what is the benefit of creating commotion?
9.मैं हंगामा नहीं मचा रही थी.I wasn’t creating a Commotion.
10.वह मुझ पर बालेम कर रहा है कि मैं हंगामा मचा रही थी.He is blaming me that I was creating a commotion.

Commotion Meaning In Hindi

Commotion Meaning In Hindi

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